One Educator’s viewpoint: School Dress Codes


Many schools all over have begun to implement a uniform policy that helps to not alienate and identify students by income status thereby creating an unbiased level academic field for all.

The uniform policy and cell phone band in public and private schools are contested and debated by many students.  Male students want to show off their “swagger” style and wear their shirts outside the pants and their pants below their behind parts. Some states have made it illegal to be dressed in this fashion but the behavior continues to persist. Female students are protesting differently by trying to wear blouses that reveal more cleavage than what is allowed. This is to look “Hotter” in the dress code uniforms that they are forced to wear. This behavior continues to go unchecked by most. Students also feel that their phones are connected to their life-line, attire or style in some way or form while in class.

The root cause for all of this unchecked fashion behavior is number one; that the parents allow it or imitate these same behaviors in the home and number two; America has become so obsessed with this “Swagger/Hotter” mentality that the importance of what’s going into the brain is not as valuable as what we are wearing and how we look outwardly.

We are missing the mark in America when the younger and older generation gives in to this fashion focused   “Bling-Bling” life style and doesn’t put enough emphasis on education and culture.

You don’t have to be a religious fanatic to see the eroding of our country’s morals and cultural values. Everywhere you look including the churches, we are accepting this increased lack of self respect and self discipline in our children, our co-workers, our politicians, and even our mates.

As educators we are tasked with providing life-long learners who are socially and morally responsible citizens. Our jobs become very difficult when the people who are part of the same system allows and sometimes accepts these relaxed fashion ideas to be part of their lifestyle as well.

A New Style instrument, I call it…

A New Style instrument, I call it the Contra Tenor Guitar or the Tenor version of the Spanish Guitarron or the Contra Tenor Acoustic Bass guitar. I believe it is actually closer to the last description. It’s a spin off of the lead tenor bass guitar (i.e. Stanley Clarke among others perform melodies with). Check out what is possible if you are trying to create something new. We are all creators and gifted with talents hidden and unhidden. We need to let people and ourselves know that we all contain broad-based human experiences and talents  with complex themes.   But many times we just simply create.

Learn Everyday: Don’t be…

OLD new FOOL an Old Fool!

One of the most important things to remember when taking on a brand new task – one that’s never been done before – and that is to be completely open to accept the new concept. We as a people have learned to survive on the sum total of our experiences and our formal education. Once most people enter adulthood, they become confined to a mode of operation that either keeps them safe in their circle of experiences or they continuously soak up knowledge and become life-long learners. The latter is a state of mind that believes that everyone can learn something new every day. The former is a resignation of skills and abilities that alienates new learning and hinders progress.

Case Example: As a GED prep coach for a number of years, I have determined that younger adults (18-22) and older adults with open minds and a passion to succeed, do well on final exams/assessments. They tend to readily absorb knowledge. While on the other (sorry)hand, adults with dead-in jobs and a “I’m trapped mentality” tend to have a tougher time processing new information and many times combative and reject new ways of thinking about and old solution.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to systemically educate, consult, advise, and provide resources stabilizing the middle class in America.

Simmortel Voice - Vocalised Services!

Simmortel Voice – Vocalised Services! (Photo credit: Abhishek Singh Bailoo)

The goal is to provide competent, reliable, and value added services to all Americans and to help create a middle class that is sustainable and creatively responsive.

Romney create jobs for us all but…

Romney create jobs for us all but they all are minimum wage jobs with hardly no benefits. Thereby supporting his mantra. “The rich get Richer and the poor get Poorer but we all work – NO middle class careers needed.”

I will continue to follow-up on these themes as wells as others in the not too distant future.

Upskilling America

The fight is happening in your room today! Now what?

Classroom Management defined

At-Risk Students strategies

Standardized testing strategies.

Things not to do around principals.

Easy part-time jobs for teachers.

5 things to do to keep your teaching job.

Why do adults have a harder time passing the GED?

Why most Black men leave or never enter education?

What happened to 2 homeschooled kids when they entered public school?

Tips for teacher General Knowledge test

These and more or subjects to be contemplated in Leo Cole’s Upskilling  America’s blog posts.

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